Use disposable email accounts to test email sending and receiving. MailSlurp fake email servers are free and easy to use. Generate a new email address instantly and use it as a dummy mailbox. For custom domains, permanent email addresses, attachments and more create a free MailSlurp account.
What are dummy mailboxes?
Temp mail or dummy inboxes are email addresses that can be created instantly and used for testing, development, and anonymity.
How do they work?
- Click refresh to assign a new randomly allocated email address just for you.
- Send emails to this address or use it to sign up for accounts.
- Emails will appear in the email viewer
- Click an email to view the contents
Inboxes act as 10 minute mail and expire after some time. They are also totally public so do not use them for sensitive information. For permanent inboxes that are private and controllable with code and tests create a free MailSlurp account.
Learn how to use the fake email generator here: