Create disposable email addresses and phone numbers in automated tests to mimic user sign up, capture verification codes, and confirm notifications.
Use phone numbers and email addresses in your application and QA tests
Create unique email accounts and phone numbers during each test and then send and receive messages, confirmation codes, links and more.
What happens if a user can't sign up and login to your app? You won't know unless you test the process with real email addresses. Automate your QA testing using MailSlurp to find critical bugs before they affect customers.
Capture outbound emails before they reach customers. Verify email content and detect exceptions that can't be found with unit tests or mocks. Stop embarrassing emails before they are sent using MailSlurp.
Spin up test accounts in automated environments using unique throw-away emails and phone numbers. Capture verification codes and password reset links during QA.
Test, build, and automate messaging with a free MailSlurp account.