Excel can do pretty much anything, but did you know it can even display emails as a table?


Using Power Query data sources we can fetch emails from any inbox using MailSlurp's free email account API to proxy email data into Excel. That means we can sort and filter emails, display them in a table, and even create custom reports.


  1. Get a free API Key from the MailSlurp dashboard


  1. Create an inbox or connect your external account
  2. Create a new Excel sheet
  3. Click data sources and click or .

  1. Create a blank query

  1. Paste in the following M script (be sure to replace your API Key)
  1. Click to load the data into Excel!

You will see your emails displayed as a table in your sheet. You can refresh the data and see live emails arrive in your spreadsheet!

More information

For more information on Power Query and MailSlurp check out the official documentation.