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Read text messages in code and webhooks to test applications and authentication end-to-end. Real phone numbers for developers and QA testers.
Create real phone numbers in multiple regions and receive inbound SMS/TXT messages in code and tests.
MailSlurp's phone packages allow for many possibilities when developing and testing SMS reliant applications.
SMS matching methodsPhone numbers and SMS can be views and configured in the online dashboard or using API clients in any framework.
You can create real phone numbers with SMS ability using the MailSlurp dashboard. Clicking create will open the billing portal to confirm the payment options for the given phone number.
Phone numbers are billed monthly as a line rental. Each phone also has an associated phone plan that bills for inbound SMS usage. For more information see the pricing page.
You can fetch and list phone numbers using the phone number controller in any client or using the REST API. Below is an example using the official Javascript library.
Use the WaitController to hold a connection until an SMS condition is met. Here we can see how to wait for the latest unread SMS to be received in a phone number. Waiting for SMS with a method allows you to test asynchronous SMS features in your application. See the SMS usage guide to get started.
To read text messages fetch them by ID or use wait methods or webhooks.
Use webhooks to have SMS/TXT messages routed directly to your server using HTTP/S.
See the webhook documentation for more information.
Create a free account to get started or see the developer guide for tutorials and examples of SMS usage in multiple languages.
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Test, build, and automate messaging with a free MailSlurp account.