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Create email accounts and receive email confirmation codes using SmartBear automation testing is a powerful no-code automation testing service from SmartBear that let's you write test using point-and-click hosted browser recording. With MailSlurp's no-code email test interface you can create real email accounts during testing and the send and receive email within Reflect.
We can use disposable email accounts with Reflect to test user sign-up and other processes that rely on email verification codes. Let's take a look!
Testing with Reflect means recording browser activity using the SmartBear user interface. If we wish to test an email related process like user sign-up and verification we can use the no-code email testing interface to create real email accounts on demand. We can sign-up for a user account using this email address then use the interface to receive and confirm the verification code. We copy the confirmation code and then submit it to our app to verify a user account.
Here is an example test that uses Reflect and MailSlurp to test a user sign-up process. We will be testing a dummy app at that provides a user sign-up form that requires email verification.
First we load the mailslurp test ui and use it to create a new email account for our test run. We log in using our MailSlurp API KEY and a new email account will be displayed for us.
Next we navigate to the test application at and fill in the sign-up form with our new email address. We submit the form and wait for the verification email to arrive.
Now we navigate back to the MailSlurp test interface and wait for the verification email to arrive. We can use the interface to view the email and copy the verification code. We can even provide a regex pattern to extract the code automatically.
Next we navigate back to the dummy application and submit the verification code. If the code is correct the application will confirm our account and we can proceed with the test. We can then login and test other features of the application.
MailSlurp provides disposable email account APIs for QA testing that can be used to create real email accounts on demand. These accounts can be used to test email sending and receiving in your application. is a no-code automation testing service that lets you record browser activity and test web applications without writing code. By combining the two services you can test email related processes in your application without writing code.
See the developer documentation for more information.
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