Today, people can accomplish a variety of tasks in the digital world more easily thanks to technology. Using several internet channels, you can communicate with people globally, reach agreements, conclude business deals, and store important documents. However, given how frequently hackers impersonate legitimate users to steal sensitive data, there is a need to keep users' data safe and secure.

One way to ensure that every user in the digital space is immune to these cyberattacks is by integrating multi-factor authentication into business systems and applications. Read on to learn more about Multi-factor authentication (MFA).

What is Multi-factor authentication (MFA), and How does it Work?

By requesting at least two pieces of identification to establish their identity, multi-factor authentication (MFA) makes sure that every digital user can demonstrate proof of the identity they are claiming to be. It ensures a higher level of integrity in the user's identity by offering several authentication factors that help detect when someone tries to impersonate.

Each piece of proof must fall under one of the following categories: knowledge, possession, or identity.

The password is the most prevalent example of the knowledge factor, but it can also take the shape of a PIN or even a passphrase. The element for possession verifies that you are in actual possession of a particular object. Mobile phones, tangible tokens, key fobs, and smart cards fall under this category.

Inheritance deals with biometrics confirmation through voice or facial recognition, fingerprint scanning on a mobile device, retinal scanning, and other biometrics.

What Facilitates Hackers' Entry and Capture of User Credentials?

In most cases, users commit the error of:

  • Selecting weak passwords

  • Using the same password for many applications

  • Storing credentials in insecure areas

  • Maintaining the same password for extended periods

Even though users might be doing this to remember their logins, they ultimately widen the door for hackers.

Additionally, there are an astounding number of attack routes that hackers can use to access systems or steal credentials, including phishing, brute force, web app, point-of-sale, and even stolen hardware attacks. The #1 method hackers use to carry out data breaches, according to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report in 2020, is stealing login credentials.

Once hackers get a user password, they exploit it to enter into apps and company systems, going beyond other access restrictions to launch catastrophic damage.

What are the Benefits of Multi-factor Authentication?

They add an extra degree of security to passwords and decrease the impact of altering credentials. Other benefits include:

  • It is best for securing both on-premises and public cloud data; it is their most effective security measure.

  • It offers an effective security precaution without taking a lot of time or effort

  • Using multi-factor authentication to enable corporate mobility

  • It ensures users get the flexibility and on-demand access they value to enter into business applications or to the network remotely through a VPN

  • When it comes to adhering to a certain industry or local requirements, MFA is also a crucial necessity.

  • MFA can assist healthcare organizations in HIPAA compliance.

  • It also plays a significant role in ensuring that financial institutions in the EU comply with PSD2's stringent customer authentication standards.

What is Cloud MFA and How Does it Work?

Cloud-based Multi-factor authentication (MFA) gives users and customers of organizations a safe and smooth experience. It safeguards apps and data even without any hardware expenses associated with on-premise MFA or administrative overhead.

Through a secure push notification from their mobile device, users can choose to verify by swiping, tapping, using their fingerprint or facial recognition, or any of the above. In addition, they can use third-party TOTP authenticator software or a one-time passcode they receive via email or SMS to confirm their identity.

Benefits of Cloud MFA

Cloud-based MFA is affordable and fits well with a company's resources. There is no requirement to acquire apparatus or hire employees to maintain and manage it.

Again, it is scalable and does away with the drawbacks of on-premise MFA. Organizations can outsource these difficulties with the help of cloud MFA, allowing them to concentrate on their core competencies.


When setting MFA standards and risk-based regulations, use a sound MFA strategy. It would carefully weigh the dangers of compromised credentials against the effect on staff productivity or customer experience. By enabling numerous authentication choices, applying adaptive policies, and seamlessly integrating into current applications, MFA strikes a balance between security and convenience.