Total Blocking Time (TBT) is a critical metric within Google's Core Web Vitals, directly influencing user experience, SEO rankings, and conversion rates on the web. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of TBT, its implications for web performance, and practical strategies for optimization, particularly focusing on the challenges posed by third-party scripts.

What Is Total Blocking Time and Why Is It Important?

Total Blocking Time measures the time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI) during which the main thread is blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness. TBT quantifies the severity of how non-interactive a page is before it becomes reliably interactive, with a lower TBT indicating a better user experience.

TBT is essential because it directly affects how users perceive the responsiveness of a page. Pages with high TBT can frustrate users, leading to poor user experiences and increased bounce rates.

Webpage Loading and JavaScript Parsing

When a webpage loads, the browser parses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. JavaScript parsing and execution are particularly impactful on TBT because they can block the main thread, delaying the page's interactivity. The main thread is responsible for parsing HTML, executing JavaScript, and rendering the page. If JavaScript execution consumes significant main thread time, it delays the page's responsiveness.

TBT is measured by summing all time periods between FCP and TTI where the main thread was blocked for over 50 milliseconds, preventing user input from being processed immediately. Each long task—any task running on the main thread for over 50 milliseconds—contributes to TBT.

Core Web Vitals, Page Speed Insights, and Your Site

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics related to speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Google's Page Speed Insights tool evaluates pages against these metrics, including TBT, providing insights and optimization recommendations.

High TBT scores can negatively impact your site's performance score in Page Speed Insights, potentially affecting its visibility and user engagement. Since Core Web Vitals are part of Google's ranking algorithm, optimizing TBT is not just about improving user experience but also about enhancing SEO performance.

TBT's Importance for SEO and Customer Conversions

SEO and customer conversions are significantly impacted by page speed and responsiveness, with TBT playing a pivotal role. Search engines favor sites offering better user experiences, reflected in Core Web Vitals scores. A high TBT can lower your site's search engine ranking, reducing visibility.

Moreover, pages with lower TBT tend to have higher conversion rates. Users are more likely to engage with and purchase from sites that are responsive and quick to interact with, highlighting the direct link between TBT optimization, user satisfaction, and conversion rates.

Main Causes of High TBT, Especially with Third-Party Scripts

Several factors contribute to high TBT, with third-party scripts being a major culprit. These scripts, often used for analytics, advertising, or customer support, can significantly increase load times by executing large amounts of JavaScript, monopolizing the main thread.

Other common causes include:

  • Large JavaScript bundles
  • Inefficient code execution
  • Lack of code splitting
  • Synchronous loading of scripts

These factors contribute to long tasks that block the main thread, increasing TBT.

Techniques for Optimizing TBT with JavaScript Examples

Optimizing Total Blocking Time (TBT) is essential for improving your website's responsiveness and user experience. Here are practical techniques, accompanied by JavaScript code examples, to help reduce TBT effectively.

1. Minimizing and Splitting JavaScript

Minimizing JavaScript:

Use tools like Terser to minify your JavaScript, reducing file size and parse time.

Code Splitting with Webpack:

Configure Webpack to split your code into chunks that can be loaded on demand.

2. Efficiently Loading Third-Party Scripts

Using and :

Load scripts asynchronously or defer their loading to not block the HTML parsing.

Lazy-Loading Scripts:

Use to load scripts based on viewport visibility.

3. Using Browser APIs to Defer Tasks

Utilize with a fallback to for non-critical tasks.

4. Optimizing Script Execution

Example of offloading a task to a web worker:

5. Caching and Service Workers

Implementing a service worker for caching:

6. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

No direct code example for this section, as it involves the use of tools like Lighthouse and Page Speed Insights for performance monitoring. However, developers should regularly run these tools as part of their development and deployment processes to identify and address performance issues.


By applying these techniques and utilizing the provided JavaScript examples, developers can significantly reduce Total Blocking Time, improving the responsiveness and user experience of their websites. Continuous monitoring and optimization are key to maintaining high performance in the fast-evolving web ecosystem.


Optimizing TBT is crucial for delivering a superior user experience, improving SEO rankings, and enhancing conversion rates. By understanding the causes of high TBT and implementing targeted optimization strategies, developers can significantly improve their site's performance. Embracing a performance-oriented development culture, continuously monitoring site metrics, and adapting to emerging best practices are key to staying ahead in the competitive landscape of web performance.