Test email processes

One major MailSlurp use case is testing email content and email dependent processes.

Write automated tests

You can use MailSlurp's REST API or SDK libraries to write automated tests using real email addresses. For example you could test critical email processes in your application like user sign-up and verification. Here is what that might look like:

Review email content

You can use the MailSlurp UI to view HTML email previews, download attachments, and check spam analysis verdicts.


Send emails

Compose emails with templates and attachments. Send from applications and tests with full control over headers, domains, and content-types.

Send emails and attachments in code and tests

REST API and libraries available in several languages.

Compose emails in visual dashboard

Team access to a visual editor for composing and sending emails.


Receive and respond to emails

Fetch emails in code or receive via webhooks

Get emails with search queries and long-polling.

Or recieve emails directly on your server via webhook push events.

Web interface for HTML previews and attachment downloads

Verify email content and view attachments online.


Empower teams

MailSlurp scales with your needs. Built on secure cloud infrastructure, MailSlurp offers team access and high throughput APIs for automated testing and CI pipelines.